The employment details in SoftOne GO contain the information needed about the staff in the business to be able to work with schedule planning and create a salary basis. Salary information is also posted in cases where the salary module is used.
The employees themselves have the opportunity to supplement with their own contact details. Who sees what about which employees is controlled via an authorization system for functions and an authorization system for people.
For each employment, it is possible to print an employment certificate. In some cases where parallel employment is ongoing, it is possible to print employment certificates for this as well.
Personnel categories control who are colleagues with whom and who is the certifying manager. Colleagues are often allowed to see each other’s scheduled schedule time and type of work shift. Notifications about leave applications are only sent to the certifying manager or another person with the same authority.
The certifying manager or another person with the same authority can receive reminders about e.g. industry experience and attained age.
Competence management
Competence mapping is about ensuring that companies have the right skills to be able to build effective teams and implement their strategies and achieve goals.
With SoftOne’s competence gap tool, you can easily identify competences among your employees and compare these against the employee’s position and thus identify a competence gap.
Make sure you have the right skills in the right place
In addition to being able to work with skills gaps to, for example, plan training courses, you can also use the skills comparison when planning your schedule. If you use the function for needs optimization, this takes skills into account when services are generated.
You get help to see which employees can take a work shift when someone is absent. On selected work shifts, you can link current requirements to competencies which are then matched against the employees. SoftOne GO takes into account current working time rules and which employees have indicated that they wish to work extra shifts and are available at the current time.
Interviews are about documenting, for example, introduction, development interview, salary interview, rehabilitation interview or exit interview. The immediate manager normally has access to the conversation, but it is possible to create special authorizations so that, for example, only an HR manager and the employee have access to this.
All conversations are saved so you can always go back and see what you agreed on. At the same time, you can document who has participated in the conversation. Documents can be stored belonging to the employee.
Some of the strengths of SoftOne GO Employees and HR support
- Authorization system for both functions and people
- Contact information can be entered by the employee himself
- Employment certificates can be printed for different employments
- HR interviews for e.g. probationary employment can be saved
- The employee’s skills can be stored
- Documents can be uploaded belonging to an employee
- GDPR-secured information management